Integra ERP Software

ERP Software for Electrical and Electronics Traders

ERP Software for Electrical and Electronics Traders


Ledger: Facilitate drilling from TB up to voucher level with monthly comparison graph.
Fund Status: Finds fund requirements for payment of current liabilities by analyzing available balance in cash, banks and receivables during the periods. This will also facilitate drilling up to voucher level to grab micro level information’s
Cash flow: Analyzing daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly cash and fund movement and its result. Also provides drilling facility up to voucher level.
Due date SMS/Email: SMS and emailing facility to customer on payment due date to ensure timely receipts.
Sales review: Zone/cost centre/branch wise sales performance analysis on daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly basis with a provision to drill up to voucher level
Sales commission: Analyzing target and achievement of marketing executives and showroom sales men. Calculating eligible team as well as individual commission/incentive amounts with a facility to drilling up to voucher level.
Cost centre/Branch Analysis: The performance and profitability analysis of branch and its subdivision cost centers in daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly basis. Have provision to appropriation of common as well as non revenue division expense to revenue division.
Monthly Profit & Loss Analysis: analyzing monthly performance of cost centre/branch and finding net profit/loss contributed in each month. This feature provides a single sheet analysis with drill down facility up to voucher.
Profitability Graph: Graphical representation of sale performance and margin received. User can set this graph as front screen’s theme for higher officials to get instant business result. This will give a close and real time look on performance of company and its branches.
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Century Gate Software Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Head Office:- Cosmopolitan Lane, Aswini Junction, Thrissur. Ph: +91-0487-2322006, +91-9846290789, +91-9946109500 Email:,
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