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How ERP helps you to increase the revenue of the organization?

The ultimate aim or the major goal of every company is to make the revenue growth by reducing the cost. Most of the managers in the present economic conditions are trying to reducing the cost as much as they can by not forgetting encouraging the sales.

In this scenario, an ERP system comes into play. By choosing a suitable ERP system, an organization significantly improves the sales process of the company, increase customer satisfaction and also employee productivity.

1. Choose an online Application

The main objective of many departments in an organization is using business software into the streamline for integrating the internal workflows. The sales activity is one of those concerns of the organization. An effective sales process involves the coordination of all departments in order to get the right answer and a higher reaction speed, aspects that contribute to the common objective: higher income.

The Online ERP System

Facilitates communication between people, departments and locations
Provides access to last-minute information and related performance indicators
Ensures the availability of real-time data about stocks, prices, customers and suppliers

2. Define and automatically apply commercial policies

Strong relation with the clients makes the business profitable. Implementation of well-established commercial policies ensures the satisfaction of your partners, and on the other hand, a better control of the cash flow in your company. The ERP system will provide:

Complex ways of granting discounts, depending on various criteria, such as: product group, quantitative or value selling limits, customer types etc.
The ability to establish credit limits for each client, terms of payment and the possibility to restrict sales to certain customers
An automatic commercial policies retrieval system: automatic calculation of prices depending on discounts, updating credit limits or inserting the term of payment.

3. Manage sales divisions

With the increasing product portfolio, it becomes impossible for a salesman to focus on the whole portfolio, so he might be tempted to focus on those products that sell easily, or are having competitive advantages such as price or position in a specific market segment. In this case it becomes necessary to divide them according to certain criteria, to facilitate distribution of effort.

With the ERP system:

You can segment the sales force into divisions, each having allocated a balanced portfolio of products. Thus, one can remove the temptation to promote only products that are easy to sell.
You can manage your commercial relationship with a partner, no matter that is held on one or more sales channels, on different ranges of products, different price lists or different payment terms.

4. Implement an effective commissioning system

The motivation of the sales staff is extremely beneficial by implementing bonus/commission systems to boost up the sales.

The ERP system will help you set a clear policy of granting bonuses based on well-defined parameters, such as sales volume, distribution, volume of receipts, payment terms etc.
Having available in ERP a complete picture about the sales activity, you can take into consideration all the aspects, such as the establishment of limits for granting discounts and penalty implementation, in case they are not respected.
You have a full report on bonuses, extracted from the ERP system that you can make available for agents too.
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